RSSP API Functions

To facilitate smooth integration and extend functionality, the RSSP API serves as a gateway to ThrivoSign's remote signing capabilities. Offering developers comprehensive access, this API enables seamless incorporation of remote signing features into applications, empowering businesses to optimize their digital signing processes effortlessly.


RSSP supports two types of login: - Sign in with TLS1.2 and Basic Authentication - Sign in with TLS1.2 and Digest Authentication

Basic Authentication

This function will obtain an (access token or refresh tokens) for service authorization from the remote signing service using HTTP Basic Authentication. In this function, the client should provide the credentials provided by the RSSP for the first authentication factor that will be used for subsequent functions. The RSSP checks the client's credentials and returns an access token for the client to use for subsequent API requests in the same session. Sign in with TLS1.2 and Basic Authentication: for unwanted RP end user management. The RSSP will authenticate the end user with Basic credentials (username and password) called the first valid factor.

To access the testing account credentials, click here.

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Digest Authentication

This function will obtain an (access token or refresh tokens) for service authorization from the remote signing service using HTTP Basic Authentication. In this function, the client should provide the credentials provided by the RSSP for the first authentication factor that will be used for subsequent functions. The RSSP checks the client's credentials and returns an access token for the client to use for subsequent API requests in the same session. Sign in with TLS1.2 and Digest Authentication: for unwanted RP end user management. The RSSP will authenticate the end user with Basic credentials (username and password) called the first valid factor with Digest of “secret_key”.

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Register New Users

This function registers new users with their email and mobile number.

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Register New Company Users

This function to register a new company user for digital signature, user will need an authorization token, specify their role (admin/signer), and provide the company name. Using the authorization token, the new user will be registered under the company account with the assigned role.

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Confirmation Activation

This function to confirm user account activation with valid email

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Account Change Passphrase

This function to change user passphrase

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Get Registration Account Status

This function to get the user registration account status

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Retrieve SIC Activation Code

This function request SSA send activation code into end-user through email or sms.

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Activate Initialize

This function to init activation, the SIC send activation code to SSA server.

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Send Device

SIC Client must send the activation token that received from activate/initialize.

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SIC Activate Status

This feature enables the user to obtain the status of the Signer Interaction Component (SIC).

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Credential List

The function also returns a list of credentials associated with a user identifier. Owner may have one or multiple credentials hosted by a RSSP. It returns the basic information of digital certificates that belong to an owner. It does not include BASE64 digital certificate encryption. The information returned will be sufficient for the client to identify the digital certificate.

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Credential Info

This function retrieves the credential and return the main identity information and the public key certificate or the certificate chain associated with the client. This function also returns an optional information about the authorization mechanism

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Credential Activate Request

This function to activates the certificate.

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Credential Activate Response

This function sends a request to the RSSP to authorize the access to the credential for remote signing, according to the authorization mechanisms associated to it.

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Credential Activate Cancel

This function cancels the credential activation request.

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Request List

This function retrieves the list of request waiting confirm from user.

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Request Info

This function gets the information of request waiting confirm from user.

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Request Confirm

Do an authorization for relying party which initialize request. SIC must use the private key of KAK to sign on authData/challenge with the algorithm specified in requests/info.

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Request Cancel

This function cancels the transaction

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Sign Hash File

Calculate the remote digital signature of one or more hash values provided at the input. This function needs credentials in the form of Signature Activation Data (SAD). The first signing application passes into this function SAD data derived from credential/authorize.

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