The SCAL level in eIDAS categorizes electronic identification (eID) and trust services into Low, Substantial, and High assurance levels, establishing the standard for security in electronic transactions across the EU. Each level reflects the degree of confidence in the identities being verified: Low offers limited confidence. Substantial ensures a robust degree of confidence, suitable for moderately risky transactions, and High provides the highest level of confidence, designed for transactions with significant risk of data or financial loss.

This structured assurance framework under eIDAS enhances trust, facilitates secure digital interactions, and provides legal certainty within the European digital single market. ThrivoSign implements SCAL level 2, part of the eIDAS framework, ensuring a substantial degree of confidence in electronic transactions by verifying identities with robust security measures.

The solution requires SCAL level authorization to ensure precise control over access permissions at various system levels, safeguarding sensitive data, complying with regulations, mitigating security risks, and adapting access policies to evolving business needs.

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