Automation - Fixed Template

Fixed Template-Based

Experience the efficiency and security of our Proof of Concept (POC) for the Fixed Template signing API. Here, we're highlighting the ease and efficiency of our Fixed Template API. It shows how using fixed templates can simplify and standardize document creation and management.

Outlined below are the step-by-step procedures for efficiently guiding through the process of using Fixed Templates:

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  • Username:

  • Password: Sign1234


Signing API

User login to SSA and create a new template.

User upload document

Add user and save the document as template

User prepare template fields

User save the document as template.

Display template list after save the template.

User authenticate signing API

User retrieve a list of available templates

The user call to create new document based on user defined template.

User retrieve a list of fields of a document

User update text field value based in “field name”. (Text field name can be found by list document fields)

User update signature image value based in "field name".

User process the document

User sign document based on user digital certificate

The system will send a push notification to the user's SIC mobile app, prompting them to approve or reject the signing request.

Upon approval of the request, the application returns a “workflow_status”:”completed”.

Last updated